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What’s Next For iExec?

DATE POSTED:August 1, 2024

With a reform imminent, we’ve seen real-time progression by the Web3 giants; iExec.

It flagged off with collaborations fostering adoptions and integrations of its tech stack, Privacy Pass email rollouts, Decentralized Confidential computing gaining real momentum, and Yield farming currently in progress with Uniswap V3.

In this piece aside from shining more light on the progress, I’ll explore sectors that need more action or strengthening.

What has been happening?

iExec became more vocal about its confidential computing approach, calling it Decentralized Confidential Computing, #DeCC for short. It is a combination of confidential computing and blockchain technology.

One of the fastest-growing categories in the Web3 ecosystem; Confidential Computing, has seen iExec join like minds to form the DeCC alliance. The DeCC message was further emphasized at events like the Ethereum Conference Community (EthCC) and Confidential Computing Summit, leading to the unveiling of its Delegated Federated Learning approach towards trusted and confidential AI. iExec isn’t stopping there anytime as we will be getting real-time integration soon.

The DataProtector developer tool received a huge upgrade; DataProtector Monetized version. iExec created dev tools for integration in the Web3 ecosystem to solve limitations halting the progress of this field. DataProtector unlike Web3Mail, has received an upgrade offering content creators full ownership, control, privacy, and monetization capabilities. DApps built with the DataProtector monetized version now receive full ownership and control of their data with monetization as an added function. Your data, your choice is still iExec’s stance.

Collaborations have been in numbers, all fostering adoptions and increasing the strength of iExec’s and Web3 ecosystem overall. Nemeos Finance, and Ledgity Yield amongst a host of others have integrated iExec’s dev tools. An influx is expected to continue in rollouts and we’re set to see some big names soon enough showing how promising the iExec tech stack is.

The duo of Privacy Pass and the Uniswap v3 yield farming for liquidity providers is currently in motion with more traffic expected for both. Users of both services can earn RLC tokens for receiving emails and staking respectively.

These aforementioned moves show iExec putting in a lot of work which is yielding gradual results already so what’s next?

What’s next?

As a project on a reform pathway, iExec has identified its focal points from its community and deep research. Backed by community-based research, the options below look to be iExec’s primary focus.

With DeCC gaining momentum, iExec needs to emphasize its Delegated Federated Learning approach more. It’s the first of its kind and with iExec being a pioneer of the DeCC technology, whatever it puts out to the greater crypto community can rise in ranks. Good technology stands the test of time and with iExec modeling this, we’re set to experience a new height for this great franchise.

Adoption has been impressive so far with its tech stack and solving real-time issues but more can be done. Big cosigns will bring about more than enough users for what iExec is offering and can offer. We’ve seen this happen before with the Workerpool which was been a huge success with everyone trying to partake and offer computing power showcasing iExec’s strength to the real world. This and more can be replicated, especially with a second version of the Workerpool imminent and other of its services currently in view.

iExec needs to strengthen its name in every field it has ventured into. With its focal point on Web3, it needs innovations to solidify its name in the DEPIN, RWA, and AI fields. These are promising ecosystems with exponential growth in sight and iExec shouldn’t be left out in its progress. iExec has the potential to be known as a project that’ll level the playing field by emerging as a giant in these fields. These focal points aforementioned, backed by novel and state-of-the-art technology that can be integrated to solve real-world issues will officially put iExec on every lip out there.

Thanks for reading!

Do well to join iExec’s official platforms to be abreast of its ongoings.



Medium: iExec — Medium

What’s Next For iExec? was originally published in Coinmonks on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.