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SearchPie Review 2024: A Powerful Shopify SEO Booster

DATE POSTED:April 8, 2024

In today’s SearchPie review, we’re taking a hands-on look at one of the most popular SEO-focused apps on the Shopify marketplace.

Although Shopify has some excellent SEO capabilities built-in, such as the ability to create custom URLs, meta descriptions and alt tags, the right app can definitely boost your chances of success.

SEO focused apps for Shopify like SearchPie give you the extra resources you need to detect SEO issues, improve user experiences, and even increase your traffic. The app has an average rating of 4.9 out of 5 on the Shopify app store, with more than 3,400 reviews.

We’ve spent years building, optimizing, and helping Shopify stores grow, so we know what a winning app looks like. Here’s our behind-the-scenes review of SearchPie.

Quick Verdict

SearchPie goes beyond the basics of standard SEO apps, with state-of-the-art features you won’t find anywhere else.

It has its own AI features, for creating advanced product descriptions, an AMP feature for boosting mobile page loading speeds, and even a localized search option.

Plus, it’s incredibly easy to use, with a one-click integration for your Shopify store.

What is SearchPie?

SearchPie is a dedicated SEO and website speed boosting app, designed exclusively for the Shopify Ecommerce platform.

It was designed by Secomapp,one of the first developers to arrive on the Shopify marketplace. After 8 years, the app still has a 4.9-star review out of 5 on the Shopify app store, with more than 3,400 reviews.

The SearchPie app helps companies to optimize their Shopify store for the search engine result pages, in a variety of different ways.

It improves user experiences, and increases the likelihood of customers spending more time on your store, by enhancing page loading times with AMP, image compression and even an expert speed customization service.

Plus, it can help you generate SEO-ready content for your product pages, with generative AI, improve your credibility with error page auto-detection, and provide insights into potential SEO issues.

Searchpie also adheres to Shopify’s latest usability guidelines. It’s theme-friendly, and features the “Built for Shopify badge.” This means you can rest assured that the app will work seamlessly with your existing store

The Basic SearchPie Features

SearchPie is one of the most advanced SEO apps we’ve ever used with Shopify. It’s one of the few solutions that gives you a one-stop shop for a range of SEO reports, basic features, and advanced tools, as well as speed upgrades, and SEO mapping.

Here’s what’s included in the SearchPie app:

SEO Report

The SEO Report feature on SearchPie gives you a quick and easy way to scan all of the pages on your website in a second, and check their SEO performance. After scanning your website, SearchPie will give you a “SEO Score”, based on key factors such as:

Broken links Long URLs Meta tags Alt tags Google snippets HTML tags Favicon Google analytics AMP Instant Page Google PageSpeed

Clicking on a section of the color-coded report will allow you to access more detailed insights, showing you which specific parts of your site need to be fixed to improve SEO. It’s an extremely straightforward way to rapidly audit and enhance your website’s performance.

SEO Basic Features

The “SEO Basic” features from SearchPie are a selection of relatively simple, but powerful tools for improving your search engine ranking potential. These include:

Bulk Meta Tags

With SearchPie, you can optimize all of your meta tags and descriptions in seconds. Just click on the “SEO tags” feature, and choose the page you want to optimize.

Then you can either use a “default template”, or create your own template to optimize your tags accordingly.

Bulk Image Alt

With the SearchPie app, you can add alt text to your images automatically in seconds. Similar to the bulk meta tags option, you can use a default template or create your own. Notably, the number of alt tags you can add in bulk does vary depending on your chosen plan.

Manual Meta Tags

Manual meta tags are another set of features on SearchPie that focus on helping you rank for specific keywords. It basically ensures you can control your individual meta tags, adding specific search terms your users might be looking for.

Although this might sound time-consuming, SearchPie uses generative AI to help you automatically create customized tags in seconds.

You just need to enter the keywords you want to rank for, your ideal “tone of voice” and your chosen language, and the AI will do the rest.

Broken Link

Broken links can significantly harm your user’s experience on your website, as well as your search engine rankings. Fortunately, SearchPie makes it simple to find, fix, or remove broken links.

Click on the “URL Controls” tab, within the app, and choose “Broken Link” and the app will scan your website to find any problematic links.

The system then generates a list of all the links you need to fix, and you can even toggle a button to “automatically” fix all of the issues. This saves you a lot of time maintaining your site.

Long URLs

In general, a good URL shouldn’t include more than 128 characters, or you risk getting knocked down the search engine result pages.

With SearchPie, you can automatically scan for longer URLs on your website, and use the “bulk edit” button in the app to reduce the length of your links. You can choose to edit the URLs yourself.

Instant Page

The Instant Page feature on SearchPie helps your store automatically pre-fetch URLs in the background when a user hovers over a link. This ensures that as soon as a customer decides to click a link, the page should load almost immediately.

This is one of the easiest features SearchPie offers. All you need to do to enable it, is click a button. The results can be fantastic when it comes to boosting page loading times, however.

SEO Advanced Features

While the basic features of SearchPie are pretty impressive on their own, the Advanced features really take this Shopify app to the next level.

The company is committed to constantly updating its solution with new capabilities, such as backlink building tools, and even AI product description generators.

The Advanced features include:

AI Product Description

If you’re struggling to write search engine optimized product descriptions that still appeal to your target audience, this is a must-have tool.

The AI product description generator uses the latest in generative AI technology to create high-quality product descriptions for you.

All you need to do is enter a product name, and any specific keywords you want to rank for, and the AI system will do the rest.

It can even rewrite your existing descriptions to make them more SEO friendly, and produce various versions of the same description.

Backlink Building

Backlinks are a crucial ranking factor for SEO. They help to elevate your domain authority, and increase traffic to your website. Unfortunately, earning backlinks isn’t easy.

That’s why the SearchPie backlink builder is one of our favorite features on the app, since it’s hardly found in other SEO Shopify apps.

This all-in-one tool helps you to find websites that might share your backlinks, evaluate which links you should remove and which you should keep, and so much more.

You can even track the domain authority of different websites that link to your business.

Google Index

If you need help generating a sitemap for Google to index, SearchPie has you covered. Not only can you generate your sitemap instantly using the app, but you can also automatically submit it to Google, with no fuss.

Schema and Snippets

If you’ve ever wondered how to change the appearance of your listings on the search engine results page, it all comes down to “rich snippets”, and schema markup.

Unfortunately, altering these things yourself can be very time consuming and complicated.

With SearchPie, you can immediately enable rich snippets for any page on your website in seconds. You can add product ratings, breadcrumb information, collection details, and more.

SearchPie then adds a markup to your pages to change how Google lists them.

Image Compress

One of the easiest ways to improve the page loading speed of your store (and your SEO potential) is to compress larger images.

While you can do this manually using a separate app, SearchPie makes the process much simpler, by automatically compressing your product images without degrading quality.

Keyword Research

If you’re struggling to decide which keywords you should be trying to rank for, you don’t have to rely on using a separate SEO tool like Ahrefs with SearchPie.

The Enterprise version of the app also has its own “keyword explore” feature. You can track the search volume, competition level, and other elements of a keyword in seconds.

Plus, you can see trend diagrams that show the fluctuation in how often a word was searched for over a 12 month period. You can even filter through keywords based on necessary word count to rank and other factors.

Accelerated Mobile Page

The enterprise plan for SearchPie comes with the option to set up AMP (Accelerated Mobile Page) frameworks for the major pages on your Shopify store.

This ensures you can deliver an ultra-fast experience to your customers, browsing your website on mobile devices.

Like most of the SearchPie features, this is very easy to use, and you can even preview what your page is going to look like before you apply the changes.


If you’re trying to rank higher for “local” searches on Google, then the SEO Map features from SearchPie could be ideal.

The “Map Pack” available for a single $350 payment, comes with expert support from SearchPie to help you create an optimize a business profile for Google Maps.

The team will work with you to ensure you get the best possible presence on the Google search results for your region, and implement any necessary changes to your store.

Ease of Use and Customer Support

Clearly, Searchpie has a lot of useful features to offer Shopify store owners, but how easy is it to use? The simple answer is that it depends on which features you’re accessing.

We found most of the features on this app to be extremely straightforward and intuitive.

For the most part, things like bulk-editing meta tags and compression images only takes a couple of clicks.

The app can actually save you a lot of time on complex tasks, like submitting sitemaps to Google, or creating comprehensive product descriptions.

The combination of AI, and the straightforward user interface on the SearchPie app makes it an excellent choice, even for beginners with limited knowledge of SEO.

You can transform your ranking potential in a matter of minutes, rather than spending hours or days on your strategy.

What’s more, the team is 24/7 on-hand to offer extra help with any technical issues for FREE, and there are plenty of FAQs, guides, and instructions on the Searchpier website, if you need help understanding how any of the features actually work.

Plus, if you do need extra help, SearchPie offers a range of service options (for a one-off fee), which allow you to access the expertise of the team for things like search localization and improving page loading speed.

SearchPie Pricing Plans and Fees

So, how much does all of this cost? For beginners, there’s a great free plan, which includes a full SEO report, speed analysis, and basic boost function, bulk meta and alt tags, and a site map.

You also get image compress tools, a broken link inspector, basic Google snippets and 24/7 live chat support. 

There are two paid plans to choose from too:

Premium: $39 per month: Customized meta tags, 500 AI generator requests, automatic alt tags, broken link autopilot, image compress, Google snippets, Google search console, and Google Analytics integrations. Enterprise: $99 per month: All the features of Premium, plus personalized SEO reports, 5000 AI generator requests, long URL support, keyword research, position tracking, advanced Google snippets, accelerated mobile pages, and customized expert services.

Alongside the two monthly pricing plans, you can also purchase one-off services from the company, such as:

Speed it up: $350 for expert support accelerating your website performance. It also comes with 6 months of free re-optimization, lazy load and pre-loading and minification for JavaScript and CSS (with a 100% refund guarantee). SEO Map: $350 for expert assistance optimizing your website for local search, with Google map integration, Google Business profile setup, and up to 90,000 map citations. VIP SEO Scan: $35 Instant scanning for all SEO issues on your website, including broken URLs, long URLs, favicon and site speed issues, meta tags, alt tags, HTML tag, and snippet problems. VIP AI Generator: $35 per 10,000 requests for advanced AI content generation with 4 different writing tones, and 30+ supported languages. The Verdict: The Best SEO App for Shopify?

Ultimately, we think SearchPie is a fantastic tool for any Shopify store owner.

Although it might be a little more expensive than some of the other search engine optimization apps available today, it definitely delivers great value for money.

It’s one of the most advanced SEO solutions we’ve used, with features you simply can’t get from a competitor.

You could even save money with SearchPie, as you won’t need to buy a bunch of different apps for things like image compression and AI content generation. It’s little wonder this is one of the top-rated apps on the Shopify app store.

The post SearchPie Review 2024: A Powerful Shopify SEO Booster appeared first on Ecommerce Platforms.