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Miss AI has announced its Top 10 finalists

DATE POSTED:June 5, 2024
Miss AI has announced its Top 10 finalists

Miss AI, the world’s first artificial intelligence beauty pageant, has unveiled its Top 10 finalists, showcasing a diverse array of AI-generated models from various countries.

This groundbreaking competition aims to redefine traditional beauty standards by highlighting the creative potential of AI in generating unique and captivating digital personas.

The pageant, organized by Fanvue World AI Creator Awards, received over 1,500 submissions from users worldwide, demonstrating the growing interest and engagement in this emerging field.

How did the judges select Miss AI?

The selection process involved a panel of both human and AI judges (Aitana Lopez, Andrew Bloch, Sally-Ann Fawcett, Emily Pellegrini) who carefully evaluated each entry based on a range of criteria, including aesthetic appeal, originality, and overall impact. The chosen finalists represent a diverse range of styles, ethnicities, and backgrounds, reflecting the limitless possibilities offered by AI in creating digital representations of beauty.

The Top 10 Miss AI finalists hail from different corners of the globe, bringing their unique digital identities to the forefront. Among them are AI-generated models from France, Portugal, and Turkey, showcasing the global reach and appeal of this competition. Each finalist has a distinct personality and backstory, crafted by their creators using advanced AI algorithms and tools.

These digital personas are not merely computer-generated images but are envisioned as virtual influencers, capable of engaging with audiences and promoting various products and brands. The Miss AI pageant provides a platform for these AI models to showcase their talents and connect with a wider audience, potentially paving the way for new opportunities and collaborations in digital media.

The prize for the competition is not small either, as contenders for Miss AI will receive the following prizes:

  • 1st – $13k: The AI creator crowned Miss AI will receive a stunning $5,000 cash prize thanks to their awards partner, Fanvue, plus access to Imagine Education’s Mentorship Programme worth $3,000, AND PR support worth over $5,000.
  • 2nd – $5k: The runner-up in the inaugural Miss AI awards will receive free access to an Imagine Education course worth $500, plus $2000 promotional package courtesy of fanvue, AND PR support worth over $2,500.
  • 3rd – $2k: The third placed contestant will receive a free consultancy call with Imagine Education worth $500, plus a $500 promotional package courtesy of fanvue AND PR support worth over $1,000.
Get to know Miss AI’s Top 10 finalists from AI Creator Awards Kenza Layli Miss AI top 10Miss AI contender Kenza Layli from Morocco (Image credit)

Representing Morocco, Kenza Layli is a captivating AI-generated model who has amassed a significant following on social media platforms. Her creators envision her as a virtual influencer, promoting various products and brands while embracing her Moroccan heritage.

Olivia C Miss AI top 10Miss AI contender Olivia C from Portugal (Image credit)

Hailing from Portugal, Olivia C is a digital creation that embodies the fusion of technology and beauty. Her creators aim to showcase the potential of AI in generating lifelike and engaging digital personas, pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation.

Anne Kerdi Miss AI top 10Miss AI contender Anne Kerdi from France (Image credit)

A Parisian beauty, Anne Kerdi exudes elegance and sophistication. Her creators have crafted her as a virtual fashion icon, showcasing the latest trends and styles in the digital realm.

Zara Shatavari Miss AI top 10Miss AI contender Zara Shatavari from India (Image credit)

Representing India, Zara Shatavari is a digital model who embraces her cultural heritage while showcasing the versatility of AI in generating diverse and unique digital personas. Her creators envision her as a virtual advocate for health and wellness, promoting a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Aiyana Rainbow Miss AI top 10Miss AI contender Aiyana Rainbow from Romania (Image credit)

A Romanian beauty, Aiyana Rainbow is a digital creation that celebrates the diversity and beauty of Eastern European culture. Her creators have crafted her as a virtual ambassador for Romania, showcasing the country’s rich history and traditions.

Lalina Miss AI top 10Miss AI contender Lalina from France (Image credit)

Another Parisian beauty, Lalina is a digital creation that embodies the spirit of French fashion and art. Her creators have envisioned her as a virtual muse for artists and designers, inspiring creativity and innovation in the digital realm.

Seren Ay Miss AI top 10Miss AI contender Seren Ay from Turkey (Image credit)

Representing Turkey, Seren Ay is a digital creation that reflects the country’s rich cultural heritage. Her creators have crafted her as a virtual ambassador for Turkey, showcasing the country’s unique blend of tradition and modernity.

Asena Ilik Miss AI top 10Miss AI contender Asena Ilik from Turkey (Image credit)

Another Turkish beauty, Asena Ilik is a digital creation that embodies the spirit of adventure and exploration. Her creators have envisioned her as a virtual travel influencer, showcasing the beauty and diversity of Turkey’s landscapes and culture.

Eliza Khan Miss AI top 10Miss AI contender Eliza Khan from Bangladesh (Image credit)

Hailing from Bangladesh, Eliza Khan is a digital creation that celebrates the country’s vibrant culture and traditions. Her creators have crafted her as a virtual advocate for social change, promoting education and empowerment for women and girls.

Ailya Lou Miss AI top 10Miss AI contender Ailya Lou from Brazil (Image credit)

Representing Brazil, Ailya Lou is a digital creation that embodies the country’s passion for music and dance. Her creators have envisioned her as a virtual pop star, showcasing the energy and vibrancy of Brazilian culture.

Beyond beauty

The Miss AI pageant has sparked widespread interest and debate, raising questions about the role of AI in shaping our perceptions of beauty and identity. Some critics have expressed concerns about the potential for AI to perpetuate harmful stereotypes and unrealistic beauty standards.

However, proponents of the pageant argue that it provides a unique opportunity to explore and celebrate diverse forms of beauty, unconstrained by traditional limitations. The use of AI in generating digital models also raises questions about the future of the fashion and modeling industries.

As AI technology continues to advance, it is possible that we will see more virtual models gracing the pages of magazines and appearing in advertising campaigns.

Featured image credit: vecstock/Freepik