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How To Build a Licensed Web3 Wallet like CoinDCX’s Octo Wallet

DATE POSTED:August 29, 2024
What are some of the best web3 development frameworks?

Some of the top web3 development frameworks available include Ethereum, Polkadot, and Tron. These frameworks give developers the tools and infrastructure to build decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts for the Web3 ecosystem, bringing out new possibilities in blockchain technology.

Key Highlights

  • For building decentralized apps (dApps) and smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, it is important to have a good understanding of what Web3 development frameworks are all about.
  • Different web3 development frameworks have different features that they come with.
  • Hardhat is one of the best Ethereum development environments because it has strong support for writing, deploying, and testing smart contracts.
  • Truffle Suite simplifies the management of smart contract projects by giving them the ability to be compiled into their respective programming languages, put into action, and tested to see if they work correctly.
  • Brownie combines Python’s simplicity with powerful Web3 functionalities; it also supports many programming languages, thus facilitating your workflow.
  • Foundry gains ground with its speediness, flexibility, portability, and customizable toolkit for those who either develop or deploy smart contracts on the Ethereum platform.
  • Embark helps developers create serverless DApps that can be scaled up efficiently while performing better results within the Ethereum network itself.

Web3 development is increasingly gaining popularity, especially through blockchain technology, particularly that provided by Ethereum. It is a part of the internet’s next phase aimed at more decentralized online interactions like DApps and smart contracts operating directly on the Ethereum blockchain.

To build these Web3 apps and smart contracts effectively, every developer should familiarize themselves with the main frameworks available. This will greatly simplify how they develop projects, then deploy or test them according to set standards using various tools across these platforms.

In this blog post, we are going to discuss some leading Web3 development frameworks for 2024. We’ll see what makes them special, starting from Hardhat and Truffle Suite up to Brownie and Foundry, not forgetting Embark, Scaffold-ETH, Dapp Tools, Web3.js, Ethers.js, and OpenZeppelin. Each of these frameworks has something unique that you can’t find in the other one, depending on what your project requires.

By understanding the different features as well as the advantages of these frameworks, developers will be able to choose those that best suit their projects. This will help them increase their productivity while building decentralized applications or smart contracts.

Top Essential Web3 Development Frameworks for 2024

The choice of a framework plays a crucial role in web3 development and can make a substantial difference in the way the development process goes. By 2024, there are a bunch of key development frameworks that developers should think about using. These tools offer a wide range of features to make development smoother and boost productivity. If you are among those who have been looking for top options among web3 development frameworks in 2024, then you should consider Hardhat, Truffle Suite (often just called Truffle), Brownie, Foundry, Embark, Scaffold-ETH,DappTools Web3.js, Ethers.js, and Open Zeppelin stand out from the rest. Every single one of them is unique, depending on what your project needs are and how you like to work with them.

  1. The Hardhat: A Leading Ethereum Development Environment

To build things on the Ethereum blockchain, Hardhat is often the most preferred option. It has everything you require to create, test, and deploy your smart contracts. In Hardhat, you can use different programming languages, such as Solidity or Vyper. You will find assisting features, which include testing tools to patch up those bugs, compiling your smart contract code and deploying it all onto the blockchain, and communicating with popular development tools like Ganache. Also, this has a nice plugin system that allows programmers to make it more useful or modify it for their own purposes, which makes it my favorite Ethereum dev environment. Thanks to all options being on board and an easy setup process, the majority of web3 developers wanting to launch secure applications on Ethereum choose Hardhat.

2. Truffle Suite: Comprehensive Smart Contract Management

Truffle Suite is something like a huge set of instruments for people who are engaged in software creation known as smart contracts in the web3 world. It has been designed to simplify life for these professionals by providing them with all they need to construct, assemble, distribute projects, and check their workability. Truffle Suite loves using Solidity — a kind of coding language — and it’s super user-friendly so anyone can manage their smart contract work without too much hassle. Inside this suite there is one particular tool — Truffle itself — which is also called workspace since here you can write some code quietly as well as run what you have written so far. Another one is Ganache, which is cool because it lets developers build a small ethereum playground under the hood before the release into a real-world population of users. With all these tools ready-made, building secure things on the Ethereum blockchain becomes easier, thus allowing Truffle Suite enthusiasts to do their job better.

3. Brownie: Python-Based Development & Testing Framework

Brownie offers a simple solution for Web3 developers by using Python language when writing, compiling, deploying, and testing smart contracts. Brownie is a powerful tool that can be used when developing smart contracts in different programming languages, such as Solidity and Vyper. That means it provides many ways for you to carry out the process of developing smart contracts more smoothly. This has been made easier by its straight-forward syntax and user-friendly setup, so anyone who would like to create dApps or get into the world of smart contract development will find this very useful. Since this prioritizes simplifying processes while increasing dev speed, it remains one of the most important frameworks during development for those willing to use the efficiency of Python in their projects.

4. Foundry: Agile, Portable, and Modular Ethereum Toolkit

Foundry is a nimble toolkit that is easy to transport and can be reconfigured for different projects. It’s built with Rust and has everything you need to create, test, or deploy smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Foundry is flexible, which allows developers to select only the required tools for their work. It’s very friendly to users, as it allows coding in various languages, including Solidity. Moreover, there are some interesting ways of placing your contracts out there safely and efficiently while ensuring they’re strong enough through what are called fuzz tests. For anyone interested in creating apps that are both large-scale and secure at Web3 or Ethereum blockchain, Foundry combines speediness with great adaptability.

5. Embark: Serverless Decentralized Applications Framework

Embark serves as a toolbox for DApps development (decentralized applications), which run directly on the blockchain without requiring middlemen servers. It helps Web3 programmers by making their lives easier through various utilities and functions it offers them. With Embark, one can integrate easily into major blockchains like Ethereum and other connected blockchains such as the IPFS network, among many others. For DApp builders/experimenters, this results in a superb integrated environment where all things take place harmoniously, including IPFS for decentralized file storage over the internet. By concentrating on not utilizing traditional servers Eclipse enables scalable and efficient creation of applications by developers. Its interface makes it easy to use, while its capabilities make it an invaluable tool for any Web3 developer aiming to roll out new decentralized applications on blockchain.

6. Scaffold-ETH: Fast Prototyping on Ethereum

Scaffold-ETH looks like a treasure box when you want to build something on the Ethereum blockchain. It’s about making life easier for web3 developers — from novices to experienced ones who have seen everything Rinkeby could offer them in terms of blockchains. With Scaffold-ETH, you can take your ideas from concept to launch in no time by building, testing, and deploying smart contracts and DApps (decentralized applications). This framework comes with everything a developer needs, from the out-of-box-ready installation with tools that specifically test what you build. It also has scripts for distributing your work. By focusing on simplicity and speed, Scaffold-ETH enables developers to move quickly on their projects without getting caught up in the intricacies of the system. Thus, whether you are starting out in blockchain development or already well into it, Scaffold-ETH is a necessary toolkit for actually implementing your innovative visions fast on the Ethereum blockchain.

7. DappTools: A Command-Line Friendly Suite for Dapp Development

Dapp Tools is a set of tools for making command-line interfaces (CLI) easier for DApp developers. It has everything you need to build apps more easily and be more productive as you develop on Web3 projects. You can compile, deploy, and test smart contracts right from the Ethereum blockchain straight in your terminal using DappTools. Not only does it provide a development environment where one can create and test their DApps locally, but they can also try out the applications before deploying them officially. If any developer wants to speed up their software development process or write secure and efficient decentralized applications (DApps) on the Ethereum Virtual Machine, this toolkit is very useful.

8. Web3.js: Ethereum JavaScript API

Web3.js is what many computer programmers use to communicate with Ethereum using JavaScript. This means that there are lots of things that you are able to do that may include sending money around, talking with smart contracts, and checking bank account balances, among other things. Through websites created using Web3.js, individuals can now directly interact with the Ethereum blockchain, thereby enhancing the user experience in general. This tool has clear tutorials and advanced features, which make it the most preferred application amongst anyone who wants to have some javascript part in his/her ethereum project, especially when aiming at improving user interaction on the ethereum network.

9. Ethers.js: Lightweight JavaScript Library

Ethers.js is an easy-to-use JavaScript library developed specifically for interaction with smart contracts deployed on the Ethereum blockchain. With Ethers.js, you don’t have to struggle with setting up a contract or looking for an event handler since these tools are already built into it. The most important thing here is simplicity and convenience for ordinary users like us; thus, many web3 developers have chosen Ethers.js as their code toolkits whenever developing their projects. Ethers.js is designed in a way that makes it easy to work with smart contract tasks in the JavaScript language due to its simple design, unlike other libraries.

This framework stands out as essential for secure and effective development work in this area.

10. OpenZeppelin: Secure Smart Contract Library

OpenZeppelin is a safety toolbox for developing smart contracts. It comes with pre-checked, ready-to-use components. The company’s official website has everything from security steps to templates that can give you an idea on how to start building secure smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. OpenZeppelin therefore provides multiple tools and utilities aimed at improving the overall security of Web3 developers’ projects since they are mainly meant to be used by developers working on the Ethereum network who need some extra plugins for code safety while developing their projects.

Web3 Dev Frameworks for Project Development

With blockchain projects, it’s crucial to use Web3 development frameworks. These tools facilitate the construction of your venture, from smart contracts to dapps that do not depend on a central authority and ensure its security as well as operationality. Therefore, when choosing the right framework, you have to consider specific project requirements, whether, for instance, it is best suited for Ethereum or any other platform on which you intend to create it, and if there are good plugins available. Thus, one can build applications that perform well but also are built right from the start in a secure manner and with efficiency.

Choosing the Right Framework for Your Project

In order for everything in your Web3 project to go smoothly, one needs to choose the most suitable framework. It is important because you need to know what your project really demands so that you can be able to select a framework that suits your chosen platform and desired outcome as well. The right decision ensures the availability of features that ease down building things more quickly, increase productivity, and make sure that smart contracts and decentralized apps are safe and work fine. Additionally, you should check if there’s an ecosystem with plugins available. They might provide additional functions, thereby giving many other possibilities fitting into whatever problem has been identified in a particular case of interest. Another point worth mentioning is that people need to evaluate each of them depending on their needs among these platforms before making a choice concerning an appropriate foundational software for developing Web3 projects.

Integrating Multiple Frameworks for Enhanced Functionality

Combining different development frameworks enhances how Web 3 apps run. Most of these frameworks have their own set of cool features that developers like using while creating stuff.

Developers may at times want to begin working on Remix since it is easier to handle and has a Solidity compiler baked into it. For this reason, writing them out becomes effortless. Then they might move over to something like Hardhat or Foundry after completing this part, both of which are much better for thoroughly testing things out, fixing any glitches and such, as well as setting everything up correctly.

By merging the attractions one likes in various frameworks, according to what is provided by each and what type of programming languages they would prefer to use, programmers find their work easier. This way, they not only make it simpler but also improve Web3 applications in terms of quality and performance.

Emerging Trends in Web3 Development

Web3 development is fluid because people are beginning to appreciate the full potential of blockchain technology. Here are some recent developments that have made a mark.

The buzz around layer 2 scaling solutions is huge right now. These methods help Ethereum handle more transactions by taking some processing off its mainnet. A lot of people believe optimism and arbitrum will play significant roles in shaping the future of Web 3.

Again, there is the entire matter of better intercommunication between distinct blockchain networks, referred to as cross-chain integration and interoperability. Developers are now finding ways to connect different blockchains instead of sticking with just one. Such apps as Chainlink and Polygon have taken the lead in that area by enabling developers to construct applications that can do much more across multiple blockchains. The Emergence of Layer 2 Scaling Solutions

Web3 development has seen a massive revolution in layer two scaling solutions. They are here to address some of the biggest challenges facing the Ethereum network, such as its limited capacity for processing very few transactions at a time and expensive fees.

All these numerous transactions happen on layer 2 solutions away from the main Ethereum chain, which thereby makes less demand for them and ultimately lower costs for everyone involved. There is also Solana, which is worth mentioning because it is scalable enough to process multiple transactions without being too expensive.

By using these layer 2 options, folks who make web3 apps can now facilitate much higher numbers of transactions without losing out on speed or having to spend too much. It’s great news because this means decentralized apps could start working just as fast or even faster than the regular ones we use today while keeping things affordable.

Cross-Chain Integration and Interoperability

In web3 development, it is increasingly crucial that different blockchain networks cooperate effectively with each other. As developers venture into various chains, they come across issues related to data and asset transfer between them, where connecting those networks becomes vital.

This task becomes easier when technologies like ChainLink and Polygon come in handy. An oracle network like Chainlink provides security by sourcing reliable information from external sources so as to link up various blockchains.

On another note, Polygon helps any Ethereum-compatible chain communicate with others in its ecosystem easily through its toolkit. Through it, developers can build their own interconnected chains for easy asset movement or information sharing.

Therefore, weaving cross-chain integration with interoperability into Web3 apps allows developers to build solutions that aren’t tied to just one network but can leverage the strengths of many.

Web3 Development Best Practices in 2024

Things are happening so fast in the Web3 development space. Here is what you need to know if you want to keep pace and give out your best work as a developer by 2024:

It is important when it comes to the smooth running of web applications that are based on Web3 technology; this can be done by putting security measures in place and examining smart contracts well. Early spotting of vulnerabilities through reentrancy locks and conducting competitive audits can save you lots of trouble.

Another crucial aspect is ensuring resource efficiency besides non-duplication of operational gas. It means cutting down on cost for gas operation by the use of stateful modules, thus freeing money as well as yielding superior performance.

Sticking to these principles will ensure that the web3 app one is working on not only performs well but also provides users with an excellent experience.

Security Measures and Smart Contract Auditing

When making things for Web3, it’s very important to keep everything safe. Making sure we have strong safety steps in place and checking over our smart contracts carefully helps keep everything running smoothly and safely.

Firstly, having reentrancy locks is a big deal for security. Reentrancy refers to the maliciousness where a function in a smart contract may be called repeatedly even before its first invocation has completed, resulting in various issues through which if we employ such reentrancy locks, we fend off such occurrences at once.

Moreover, competitive audits are also very important because they mean the expression of opinions from experts who really know their stuff about your code rather than hidden gaps or future risks that could prove problematic later on.

There’s also Chainlink CCIP — an integral part of Chainlink’s efforts towards making their Oracle networks better and more secure for everybody who uses them.

Therefore, by doing things like keeping our doors (reentrancy locks) locked up tight, showing our codes (competitive audits) to those geeks who will catch our mistakes or any hidden dangers that we may have missed, and adding things like CCIP in Chainlink for more reliable technology, web3 developers can make applications that not only do cool stuff but also keep the bad guys from causing trouble.

Efficiency and Gas Optimization Techniques

When making things for Web3, it’s very important to keep everything running smoothly and not wasting too much gas (which is like the fuel for operations). It boils down to ensuring that the apps or programs you build on blockchain don’t require a fortune to operate well.

Developers can make their work more efficient by using such things as stateful modules. In this scenario, data is stored directly on the blockchain. This diminishes the need for recurring calculations, thus leading to a smoother system with lower gas costs.

The next idea present here is chainlink functions are being tapped into. To get trustworthy information from external sources without congesting your project or paying extra fees since blockchain has certain heavy computations required in its processes, Chainlink offers decent solutions.

This can be achieved by focusing on these smart ways of conserving energy and cutting costs, such as stateful modules and chainlink functions, which developers can use in their Web3 applications to reduce expenses. This means users wouldn’t have a bad experience at all.


Becoming really good in Web3 development frameworks is important if you want to keep abreast with the ever-changing world of blockchain technology. There are quite a lot of interesting frameworks like Hardhat, Truffle Suite, and Brownie that will assist you in making some awesome decentralized apps. By diving into this toolbox for using it wisely, you’re already setting yourself up smoothly beyond your projects, better feature-wise.

Look out for new things like Layer 2 scaling solutions and ways of working across different blockchains because they’re going to help your projects remain fresh even after years. Don’t forget about checking if everything’s alright through smart contract auditing as well as speeding things up by emphasizing efficiency optimization methods so that what you make isn’t just nice, but it also performs great. Be prepared to learn something new, follow where technology goes next, and shine your creative self while delving deeper into Web3 development.

Dive into Web3 Development Frameworks: Key Tactics was originally published in Coinmonks on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.