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The Ultimate Guide To Editorial Content Types and Formats

DATE POSTED:April 1, 2014

I am often surprised when hear from web publishers, journalists and small web entrepreneurs about their frustration with finding ways to create valuable content that it is not just another article or blog post.

Photo credit: Robin Good - Original full size table

Although there are more than 100 types of content that one can actually create, we dilute most of our energy and resources in producing what most others do, news and light article content, without ever considering that there exist a ton of other content alternatives that could be utilized.

This is why I have decided to create this catalogue of content types. To remind writers and editors, that there are a tens of alternative opportunities for creating valuable content and that it is only up to me and you to pick them up and use them.

While there have been other attempts at listing and cataloging formats and types of content that can be published online (which I have listed and referenced at the end of this article), I have tried to improve upon them, not just by extending the number of formats covered (over 100), but also by identifying relevant examples, and where possible, appropriate tools, that can be useful to create that specific type of content.

If you would like to help, feel free to contribute suggestions for additional relevant content types I may have overlooked, as well as for appropriate real-world examples and software tools / web apps that can be of aid in creating these.

The catalog is divided in 11 different general content categories to facilitate browsing and finding relevant alternatives and options for most content types.

Here all the details:

Synthesis - Reference
Df - Definitions Curated collection of the most relevant and diverse definitions of a specific subject, issue or topic Example: What Is Content Curation: Definition Relevant tools: Bundlr
Ck - Checklist List of items, tools or resources to check to do something or to achieve a specific goal Examples: Relevant tools:
Ap - Action Plans List of steps to be taken to do or to achieve a specific goal Relevant tools:
Gl - Glossary Alphabetical list of terms or words relating to a specific subject, text, or dialect, with clear descriptions Relevant tools:
Di - Directory Listing of resources, tools, companies, events or individuals for a specific use / application and organized around specific criteria (location, age, features, etc.) Relevant tools:
Lb - Links Bundle Collection of web links to specific online resources that can be shared with just one link Relevant tools:
Pl - People List List of individuals characterized by unique traits, skills, abilities - Who's Who - Expert List - Who To Follow Relevant tools:
Ca - Catalog Comprehensive list of items, classified and organized around a specific topic Relevant tools:
Ct - Comparison Table Tabular data organized to facilitate comparison between one or more items Relevant tools:
Cc - Collection of Collections Collection of existing collections threaded together by a unique theme Example: Museum of Museums Relevant tools: Acrobat

News & Stories
Ns - News Story Reporting of a news story already covered by others Relevant tools:
Nh - Newshub Web page automatically aggregating news and stories coming from different sources Example: AllTop Relevant tools:
Nc - Curated Newspage Web page aggregating and curating the most relevant news on a specific topic or for a specific audience Example: Techmeme Relevant tools:
Sc - Scoop Break a story first by reporting or writing on something that has not been reported about by others Relevant tools: Medium
Tr - Tool Review Written review of a new product or service providing information on its use, features, pros and cons
Op - Personal Opinion Article expressing the author opinion on a topic, issue, person or event. Relevant tools:
Ps - Personal Story Personal recount of something that happened Relevant tools:
Ol - Open Letter Communication directed at a specific subject, person or organization and advocating a specific solution or course of action Example: Open Letters - Examples (Wikipedia)
Bo - Best of List of information items, resources or tools ranked Example: Best Free Video Conferencing Tools 2014 Relevant tools:
Eg - Evergreen Archived content that is still relevant today as it was when it was first published Relevant tools: Google Analytics (to find it)
Cu - Curated Story In-depth analysis of a specific resource, content or story enriched by personal insight, explanations, quotes, annotations and relevant links Example: Maria Popova Brainpickings Relevant tools:
Ac - Articles Collection Collection of selected best articles from one or more sources on a specific topic Relevant tools:

Da - Data Analysis Written report focussing on the inspection, cleanup, transformation and modeling of (statistical) data with the goal of discovering useful information, patterns and trends Examples: Relevant tools:
Cs - Case Study Analysis of a particular person, group, or situation over a period of time Examples:
Lf - LongForm Article In-depth news, analysis, report or opinion content articles exceeding 2000 words. Long-form articles take often the form of creative nonfiction or storytelling / narrative journalism Examples: Relevant tools for research:
Sf - SnowFallen Long-format content augmented by video clips, animations, interactive maps and other multimedia elements Examples: Relevant tools:
Rr - Research Report Report based on research results or reviews providing a general overview on a specific topic and some useful tips Relevant tools:
Wp - White Paper Authoritative report or guide helping readers to understand an issue, solve a problem, or make a decision Examples:
Ir - Investigative Report A deep investigative research effort around a single topic of interest, often involving crime, political corruption, or corporate wrongdoing (Wkpd) Examples:
Ta - Trend Analysis Report analyzing collected data to extrapolate and identify key patterns and to predict, speculate and anticipate future lines of likely change Relevant tools: Google Trends
Id - Industry Report Comprehensive business information report, including research, trends and business growth data focusing on a specific industry sector Examples: Relevant tools: Marketing Zakta

Fc - Fun Content Humorous, ironic, funny content including jokes, short stories, photo-retouched images Relevant tools:
Co - Comics Ironic, funny graphic illustration or visual Relevant tools: Pixton, Comic Life
Ca - Animated Characters Animated video clip containing virtual characters that interpret a scripted story Example: GoAnimate Videos Relevant tools: GoAnimate
Cn - Contest Competition Intellectual non-physical competition to identify the best performer / most informed person in a specific area Example: EmpireAvenue Relevant tools: ContestGen
Ml - Movie List Annotated compilation of movie titles on a specific topic / theme Relevant tools: Collectorz Movie
Ap - Audio Playlist Curated selection of audio tracks saved into a unique annotated sequence Relevant tools:
Vp - Video Playlist Curated selection of video tracks collected together into one Relevant tools:

Ig - Image Gallery Annotated gallery of selected images accompanied by informative captions Relevant tools:
Pr - Slide Presentation Deck of digital slides containing text and images Relevant tools:
Vm - Visual Manifesto Illustrated manifesto of a company, organization or tribe representing its ideals, dreams, mission, objectives, common traits Example: Manifesto Relevant tools:
Mm - Mindmap Conceptual map illustrating a series of ideas, a collection of resources, a plan, strategy, or a sequence of steps to follow Relevant tools:
In - Infographic Information graphic synthesizing and highlighting key data, statistics, and other relevant info about a specific topic presented in a visually engaging way Relevant tools:
Sf - Social Flag Visual content which generally include inspiring text citations, designed to match a specific community peculiar traits, ideals, fears and dreams Relevant tools:
Vg - Visual Magazine Annotated collection of articles on a specific topic or theme Relevant tools:
Tl - Timeline Visual display of a sequence of events in chronological order Relevant tools: Timeline Builders

Ft - Forum Thread Threaded discussion or mini-forum on a specific issue-topic Relevant tools:
Tc - Topical Chat Chat page, twitter chat, or other real-time chatting venue on a specific issue-topic Relevant tools:
Wb - Webinar Seminar conducted completely over the Internet Relevant tools:
Hg - Google Hangout Collaborative live video event with multiple participants and hosts Relevant tools: Google Hangouts
Ai - Audio Interview Spoken interview with someone, recorded over telephone or Skype and edited for final publication Relevant tools:
Vi - Video interview Recorded online video interview Relevant tools:
Ec - Live Event Coverage Live written coverage of an event Relevant tools:
Lv - Live Video One-man program, event or ongoing live video broadcasted online Relevant tools:

Mb - Mood Board Visual collage consisting of images, text, graphics and other visual elements created with the purpose to more effectively communicate design concepts, atmospheres, general ideas Examples: Relevant tools:
Ex - Examples, Models Collection of selected real-world examples, models exemplifying a specific subject Examples: Relevant tools: Pinterest
Am - Audio Mashup Curated selection of excerpts and clips from longer audio tracks edited together into one Examples: The Grey Album by Danger Mouse Relevant tools:
Vc - Video Mashup Curated selection of video excerpts and clips from longer videos edited together into one video Examples: Relevant tools: Sc - Screencast Recording of computer screen actions, events and sounds designed to create demonstrations, tutorials or presentations Relevant tools:
Vp - Video Presentation Slide-based presentation with voice-over, saved as a video Relevant tools: Slidetalk
Sd - Animated Story Speeded-up animation sequence where a hand draws and illustrates with words and images a story Relevant tools: Videoscribe
De - Demo Video Live or recorded video demonstration of a tool, product or service Relevant tools:
Pd - Podcast Series of subscribable audio recorded programs downloadable as .mp3 files Examples: Relevant tools:
It - Itinerary Detailed plan for a journey providing specific route information, relevant resources and useful advice for travelers Relevant tools:

En - Email Newsletter Periodical email-based content delivery format designed to help organizations stay in touch with customers and fans Relevant tools:
Ma - Manifesto Published verbal declaration of the intentions, motives, or views of the issuer, be it an individual, group, political party or government (wkpd) Examples:
Pr - Press Release Official statement issued to news media outlets providing information on a particular matter Example: Press Relase For Immediate Release Relevant tools:
Sp - SocialMedia PR Social-media optimized content published across multiple channels and directed mainly to news media outlets providing information on a particular matter Example: Good example of a social media press release from ING How-to: Relevant tools:
Pc - Press Clippings Collection of digital cutouts from different media sources talking about a specific topic, issue, person or event Relevant tools:
Mk - Media Kit Curated selection of promotional and informative materials about an artist, company or service designed for the press Examples: Relevant info:
Pf - Portfolio Visual collection of works carried out by a professional or an author Examples: Portfolio Examples Relevant tools:
Sh - Social Hub Curated hub / stream of social content from users talking and sharing information about a specific brand / organization Relevant tools:

Cr - Crowdfunding Page Page dedicated to showcase, illustrate and explain a project while providing good motives to readers to sponsor and contribute to it Example: How to raise money from crowds: 11 crowdfunding platforms Relevant tools: 6 Top Crowdfunding Websites: Which One Is Right For Your Project?
Sv - Survey Series of specific questions designed to gather preferences, expectations and needs from a selected group of people Example: Survey Examples How-to: Basics of Survey and Question Design Relevant tools:
Qz - Quiz Challenge where one or more questions need to be answered
Pl - Poll Simple survey consisting of only one or two questions accompanied by a selection of pre-selected answers. Those participating can generally see the poll results as soon as they have submitted their own preference Example: Saturday Survey by Jane Heart Relevant tools:
Ak - Ask the Experts Curated selection of tips, advice or suggestions from experts, thought leaders in a specific area Example: Quora Relevant tools: POPexpert
Fa - FAQ Curated selection of popular questions accompanied by relevant and exhaustive answers Relevant tools: FAQ Builder (for WordPress), FAQ Builder (Win)
Qa - Question & Answers Collection of questions and answers Examples: Yahoo Answers Relevant tools: Uservoice
Oc - Open Clinic Live online event where people can submit questions about their problems and issues and receive just-in-time suggestions and advice Relevant tools:
Rl - Reading List Annotated sequence of selected articles about a specific topic or issue Example: Content Curation Guide Relevant tools:
Bl - Book List Annotated compilation of movie titles on a specific topic / theme Relevant tools: Collectorz

Rl - Resources List Organized and annotated collection of useful resources on a specific topic Examples: Vivere a Malta Relevant tools:
Gu - Guide Basic introductory instruction on a certain topic or tool Relevant tools: iBooks Author
Ht - How-to Short course illustrating steps to achieve a certain goal for beginners Relevant tools: iBooks Author
Lg - Learning Guide Reading list designed for a learning objective Examples: Content Curation Guide Relevant tools:
Tu - Tutorial Medium-length format written instruction, often broken into chapters / classes, designed to achieve deep familiarity with a specific subject Relevant tools:
Bp - Best Practices Collection of most effective practices within a specific area Example: UserOnboarding
Ss - Success Stories Collection of positive stories from people who have been able to achieve something specific Example: Nomadi Digitali Storie di Successo
Sd - SlideDoc Visual document created using presentation software, where visuals and words unite to illustrate one clear point per page. Example: Relevant tools:
Eb - eBook A long-form, page-based, book-like publication format, in a distributable digital format Relevant tools:
Mo - MOOC Massive Open Online Course - online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access Examples: Relevant tools:
Tk - Toolkit Collection of different tools, contents, examples, templates and others instruments designed to help the user achieve a very specific goal Relevant tools: Acrobat

Sb - Strategy board Pre-designed canvas or template divided in sections that need to be filled out to prototype, define and simulate possible strategies and outcomes Examples:
Ca - Calculator, Estimator Web-based simple calculation tool capable of calculating, estimating or reporting specific data about something
St - Script Tool Hand-coded small software program capable of delivering a very specific service Examples:
Ce - Content Template Ready-made content structure, providing questions / descriptions / or sample text to help author create quality content by answering questions, filling in the holes or replacing the original reference text. Examples: Relevant tools: Smore
Dt - Design Theme Ready-made editable web site design template Example:
Bg - Buyer's Guide Everything a potential buyer needs to know to make an informed choice before purchasing a specific kind of product Relevant tools: SocialCompare
Tc - Tools Organized catalog of tools designed for a specific application use Examples: Relevant tools:
Jo - Job & Opportunities Curated selection of job offers and opportunities in a specific sector Relevant tools:

See also: The Periodic Table of Content Marketing
The Content Grid v2
The Content Marketing Mix

Originally written and curated by Robin Good and first published on MasterNewMedia on Tuesday April 1st 2014 as ">The Ultimate Guide To Editorial Content Types and Formats.

Photo credits: Synthesis - Drop from a dropper by Shutterstock News & Stories - Corporate work concept by Shutterstock Data Analysis - Icon of graph by Shutterstock Visual - N.A. by Shutterstock Illustrative - Watercolor pen set by Shutterstock Institutional - Greek ionic column by Shutterstock Informational - Information symbol by Shutterstock Educational - Graduation cap icon by Shutterstock Instrumental - Yellow screwdriver by Shutterstock