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How I Turned My 60 USDC Web3 Reward Into Productivity-Boosting Gifts for 2025!

DATE POSTED:January 31, 2025
Created using CanvaMy New Year writing starts off by honoring India’s silent hero — Dr Manmohan Singh!

By now, we all should be nicely warmed up to the New Year as we are 2 weeks into 2025.

I had started this year writing tribute articles on Dr. Manmohan Singh, which is why I could not post my article on my New Year reflection.

This was the right thing for me to do because, as an Indian, my heart craved to narrate why Dr. Manmohan Singh, India’s most honorable former Prime Minister and brilliant Finance Minister, is someone we Indians should all salute!


As such Dr Manmohan Singh has a legacy that’s recognized the world over, so my 2 tribute articles are just one of the many accolades he has received from across India and the globe.

Please go through my 2 tribute articles here -:

Cherishing the Legacy of India’s Most Humble and Accomplished Leader, Dr. Manmohan Singh

Part 2: Revisiting Dr. Manmohan Singh’s Legacy — A Silent Hero’s Challenges and Triumphs

Although I have more tribute articles to write highlighting Dr. Manmohan Singh’s achievements and admirable qualities, it’s time to share my New Year reflections and move forward.

A Meaningful Gift to Myself: Using USDC Rewards Wisely…

Last year, I was thrilled to have won 60 USDC, coming 2nd in Publish0x’s organized writing competition on Across Protocol. I have explained that story here:

Spreading Christmas Cheer Through Web3: My Across Protocol-Inspired Greeting Cards

This bounty became a meaningful means for me to gift myself something special.

Sharpening Focus and Productivity in the New Year

One of my main ambitions for the new year was to sharpen my concentration on Web3 learning and writing tasks! This is of utmost importance for me as I’m eager to reap lucrative earnings from my writing contributions which is primarily focused on Web3.

My aim is to maintain 100% focus on my work tasks and maximize my productivity.

Overcoming Distractions: My Quest for Noise-Cancelling Headphones

I needed to block out those disturbances emanating in form of background noise and till this year, I never did anything about those background noises that disturbed me during my work period.

This is because although I work in my room, I can hear people talking loudly in their phones outside my room. There are plans to activate TV too in the hall!

So, I wanted to get myself a headphone with Noise Cancellation feature!

My aim was to use such a noise-cancellation headphone to zone into the world I am taken in when I do my web3 reading, learning for writing on my read subject.

I decided to use my 60 USDC proceeds to purchase a good quality headphone that blocks off noise!

Leveraging Across Protocol for Cross-Chain Transactions!

I found a willing buyer for my 60 USDC, but there was a hitch with my buyer wanting this 60 USDC to be sent to his Polygon Network Account wallet address, while I got my 60 USDC in my Optimistic Network account.

Although at first I thought this was inconvenient, later I felt this presented an excellent opportunity to practice what I preached!

I know very well, that Across Protocol powered Straddl protocol, is intended to be used for such purposes of bridging assets from Ethereum L1 and supported L2 Networks within the Ethereum Ecosystem.

I have explained that in 2 of my articles, for one of which I won 60 USDC!

Across Protocol: Enhancing EVM Interoperability with Intent-Based Solutions

Revolutionizing Interoperability: Across Protocol’s Intent-Based Solution for the EVM Landscape

Then it’s obvious that I should leverage Straddl protocol to bring my 60 USDC from Optimism Network to my Polygon account!

This is what I did too and it worked!

Rewards That Inspire: ACX Tokens and the Web3 Ecosystem

I have excellent motivation to use Across Protocol, for I got rewarded with ACX tokens as well as tips for various tasks I did last year, which I generally only do for protocols I am a brand ambassador of.

ACX is the native token of Across Network.

When you get rewarded with actual protocol tokens (crypto) rather than points for a task you do, it feels more rewarding, as you become a stakeholder of the project, by earning the project’s token when you complete tasks!

I have explained about this as well about me feeling awesome earning utility tokens of Shade Protocol in form of eSHD tokens for completing tasks, playing a small role in increasing the brand visibility and adoption of Shade Protocol.

Read my article here — eSHD Airdrops: Recognizing the Value of Community Involvement in Shade Protocol

I have not sold these ACX tokens, I earned as rewards because these tokens hold utility for me as I intend to be an active user and stakeholder of Across Protocol.

Recently, I found that L2Beat has listed Across V3 as one of the top bridging protocols establishing secure interoperability within the EVM ecosystem.

L2 Beat Data

At the time of writing, Across is the 12th largest Bridge Protocol with assets valued over 139$ million held in its Ethereum’s escrow contract.

I am glad I am associated with a Web3 protocol of utility, as it functions as an effective bridge protocol facilitating cross-chain value transfers across various supported L2 Networks and L1 Ethereum.

Additionally, Across powers cross-chain swaps as well within the EVM ecosystem.

For gaining further understanding of Across Protocol read my articles -

Across Protocol: Enhancing EVM Interoperability with Intent-Based Solutions

Revolutionizing Interoperability: Across Protocol’s Intent-Based Solution for the EVM Landscape

Smooth Cross-Chain Bridging: A Hands-On Experience with Straddl

Coming to the point, I could transfer my earned rewards of 60 USDC from my Optimistic Network address to my Polygon Network address really quickly and efficiently using Straddl protocol!

Straddl protocol was easy to use as well for me!

Screenshot of my transaction on Straddl Protocol

I had managed to send my patient buyer 60 USDC as he wanted in his Polygon Network address, he paid me INR which I was free to use to buy those useful noise-canceling headphones I wanted!

Noise-Cancelling Headphones: My Productivity Helmet!

On 1st Jan I walked to the Croma showroom and brought these headphones they were a little more than 60 USDC, costing Rs 5999/-, that’s right, it’s a 1 Rupee discount from Rs 6000 /-

This headphone falls under Adaptive Noise Cancelling (ANC) category of headphones.

These are very useful for me and as I am writing this article, I am wearing them to reduce noise disturbances. When I wear them I imagine I am wearing my work hat — zoning into work mode, concentrating on my work, than thinking about something else.

Furthermore, this headphone has also enhanced my quality of life, I can listen to youtube podcasts wearing my headphone that is wirelessly connected to my mobile phone via Bluetooth.

So, I can leisurely listen to shows when walking, cooking, cleaning my cat litter etc, with my headphone even though my mobile is placed somewhere in the distance.

A Bonus Gift: Walking Shoes for a Brisk New Year

Although, I had spent all of my 60 USDC of reward money, yet I brought myself this pair of walking shoes.

It’s an additional gift perhapes, but I enjoy walking and my old shoes though functional are loose and I did not have another pair of shoes to wear when I wash my shoes.

Since, I generally, don’t go out very often, it was possible for me to manage with my old shoes but new shoes would definitely be a valuable addtion to my life as well.

I ended up buying these shoes! This was a great purchase as well.

I would write a detailed review about my headphone next week!

Walking with the new shoes felt like taking steps to exciting new beginnings!

Walking back home in the dark cool evening of the brand new day in the year 2025, I felt delighted.

This song kept playing inside my head -:

it’s called “New Shoes” by Paolo Nutini”

These lines echoed on -

“ Hey, I put some new shoes on
And suddenly everything’s right
I said, hey, I put some new shoes on
And everybody’s smiling, it’s so inviting…”

Overall I had started my new year on a positive, vibrant note.

Reflecting on New Beginnings and Self-Love

Sometimes, and in some movements in life, it feels nice to reward oneself for having come so far. Living those movements when one is dripped in happiness feels delightful.

I gave myself some self-love, because I was filled with a sweet sense of generosity within. Money is means to an end, happiness and fulfillment is always the end goal!

Life goes on, struggles continue, but I try to give it my best, and power myself to be my best. My two purchases this year help me better my quality of life, and have a small role in powering the best of me, so glad about my thoughtful purchases for myself!

Thank you for reading!

My article can also be found in these platforms I post my content on-:

Hive —

Publish0x —

Medium —

t2World —

How I Turned My 60 USDC Web3 Reward Into Productivity-Boosting Gifts for 2025! was originally published in Coinmonks on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.