It’s mid-season update time for Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 so we are getting new maps, weapons and attachments as well as a seasonal collaboration with, drum roll… the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Yes, that’s right, CoD’s Fortniteification continues apace with the arrival of the heroes in a half shell in the once-proud military shooter. Maybe it’s just me. I mean, I like the Turtles, but there is a time and a place for them, and is that place Call of Duty?
When is Black Ops 6 Season 2 Reloaded released?The new Call of Duty season is almost upon us. It is set to launch on the 20th of February at 9 AM PT on all platforms, so get yourself ready if you want to be there from the off.
New maps Grind OozeRemaster, Core, 6v6, Medium-Sized
The fan-favorite map first released in Call of Duty: Black Ops II returns for Black Ops 6 in the mid-season! Show off your best combat moves in the outdoor Half Pipe and Cradle or take your chances inside as Operators trade shots around the Store and across the indoor skate ramps, with TMNT decals, posters, and artwork spread across the scenery.
BulletBrand-New, Strike, 6v6/2v2, Small-Sized
Sev and Rogue Team deploy to a high-speed bullet train to neutralize a key enemy target. Keep your eyes sharp when moving up and sweeping the carriages; the automatic sliding doors may reveal an incoming enemy at a moment’s notice. Climb up to the roof of the train to feel the whipping wind and marvel at the landscape flying by. Be ready to defend your spot up top and then drop back down behind the enemy line.
TMNT MoshpitAh, here we go.
Enter a game of Team Deathmatch, Domination, or Hardpoint and unleash ninja-level abilities and TMNT Scorestreaks against your enemies in pursuit of victory. These special Scorestreaks are earned by scoring as normal, but because the turtles work as a team, objective plays award an increase in the score.
The Turtles also have special powers that can be activated by scorestreaks.
Zombies also gets some Turtles action which turns it into more a fever dream. Here’s the low-down.
“Add some high-octane urgency to any of the four Zombies maps and your undead horde slaying in Cowabunga Cranked. Drop into Terminus, Liberty Falls, Citadelle des Morts, or The Tomb with your Loadout of choice and eliminate a zombie to trigger the Cranked timer. Fail to eliminate a zombie before the timer hits zero and ka-boom! You’re gone.
As rounds progress, the Cranked timer will continue to shrink, so keep pushing the fight to stay in the game! Thankfully, there are several Pizza power-ups that can drop in the match, including:
There’s an absolute ton of new content and you can read more about it on the Intel drop which should just about take you up to launch time.
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