This article is also available in Tagalog (Filipino) and Spanish.
Tagalog version:
Kumita at Gawing Mas Ligtas Ang Himpapawid — Derad Network ✈️
Spanish version:
Llevando la Transparencia a los Cielos con Derad Network ✈️
It’s easy to take flying for granted. You book a ticket, board a plane, and trust that the systems in place will ensure you arrive safely. But what if I told you that, even in 2025, thousands of flights still pass through the sky without reliable tracking?
Derad Network is here to change that. It leverages decentralized technology and community participation to make air traffic monitoring more transparent, accessible, and rewarding for those who contribute.
Most commercial flights are tracked using ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance–Broadcast), a technology that transmits an aircraft’s location, speed, and altitude in real time. While ADS-B adoption is growing, there are still large areas where coverage is incomplete.
This means: