Our API directory now includes 73 transportation APIs. The newest is the car2go API. The most popular, in terms of mashups, is the Yahoo Traffic API. We list 20 Yahoo Traffic mashups. Below you’ll find some more stats from the directory, including the entire list of transportation APIs.
In terms of the technical details, REST and XML lead the way. There are 49 transportation REST APIs and 19 transportation SOAP APIs. Our directory lists 53 transportation XML APIs and 32 transportation JSON APIs.
The most common tags within transportation are 23 transit transportation APIs, 11 traffic transportation APIs and 10 mapping transportation APIs.
On the mashup side, we list 8 transportation mashups. We named Belgian Rail Demo as mashup of the day in April.
For reference, here is a list of all 73 transportation APIs.
511 Driving Times API: San Francisco traveler information service
511 Real-time Transit Departures API: San Francisco traveler information service
Airport Status API: Airport activity and weather information service
Alpha Micro Systems API: GPS tracking service
Aramex API: Global shipping service
Averitt API: Freight transportation services
Beat the Traffic API: Real-time traffic application
Bongo API: Iowa cities transit data
Bring Cargo API: U.K. and Europeans cargo delivery service
car2go API: Car booking service and local driver's information
Carloadboard API: Vehicle transport load matching service
Carpool2Camp API: Carpooling service for transportation to camp
Carrier411 API: Trucking and transportation provider monitoring service
CarTrawler Accelerate API: Car rental service
Catch-A-Cab API: Cab booking service
Chicago Metropulse API: Chicago quality of life data
CityBikes API: Bike sharing network information service
CTA Train Tracker API: Chicago transit tracking service
DataOne VIN decoder API: Vehicle specification data service
eco:Speed API: Fuel-conserving mapping service
eFreightline API: Truckload shipping rate quotation service
ELGIN Roadworks API: U.K. road construction information service
FAA Obstruction Evaluation API: Aviation obstruction information service
FleetMon API: Ship location and maritime traffic information service
Florida DHSMV API: Florida motor vehicle testing outsourcing service
FreightCenter API: Shipping aggregation and information service
FuelFrog API: Track Your Gas Mileage
GovHG Data.One API: Hong Kong real-time traffic
GroundLink API: Ground transportation service
Helsinki Regional Transport Authority API: Helsinki public transit trip planner
HiGrids INforAMA API: Automobile motion monitoring service
IM Group API: Vehicle information service
InKnowledge Taxi Fare Calculator API: Taxi fare estimation service
INRIX API: Transportation traffic and route optimization service
iRail API: Belgium train schedules
Limo Anywhere API: Online reservation service
Live Departure Boards API: UK train arrival/departure time board
MassDOT MBTA API: Massachusetts transit data feeds service
Metro Transit NexTrip API: Minnesota Transit information service
Minneapolis/St. Paul Metro Transit API: Transit data service
MTA Bus Time API: New York City Transit service
NZTA Auckland Traffic API: Auckland, NZ, traffic data service
NZTA Highway Info API: New Zealand highway information service
NZTA Location Referencing API: New Zealand highway mapping and location service
NZTA SSDF Segment Manager API: New Zealand traffic volume monitoring service
Oahu Transit Services API: Real time transit data service
OC Transpo API: Ottawa bus arrival time information service
OpenCarData API: Real time automobile data
OpenXC API: Automobile performance information retrieval service
ParkingInMotion API: Parking information application
Public Transit Score API: Real estate transit score service
Redbus API: Indian bus ticketing service
RouteSavvy API: Transportation route optimization service
SEPTA API: Transit Information for Eastern Pennsylvania
SFpark API: San Francisco real-time parking information
Singapore Metro Rapid Transit API: Mass transit information for Singapore
Skanetrafiken API: Skånetrafiken transit information
SoftModal Diesel API: Diesel fuel price information service
TÃ¥gtider Trains API: Sweden train schedule lookup service
TFL Cycle Hire API: Real-time UK Cycle Hire data service
The Airport Guide API: Airport information service
Traffic Records Electronic Data System API: Virginia traffic safety information service
Trafiklab API: Sweden transportation information
TransLink API: Transit data service
TransLoc API: Transportation tracking and information service
Transport for London API: UK transportation service
TSO Mobile API: Fleet vehicle tracking and optimization service
Västtrafik API: Swedish public transport information service
VesselTracker API: Ship and boat traffic tracking service
Viamente Route Planner API: Italian route planning and mapping service
Washington Metro API: Washington DC Metro data service
Yahoo Traffic API: Traffic data and routing
Zugmonitor API: Germain railway information service
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Related ProgrammableWeb Resources Yahoo Traffic API Profile, 20 mashups