Our API directory now includes 42 collaboration APIs. The newest is the Devot:ee Upload API. The most popular, in terms of mashups, is the Box.net API. We list 77 Box.net mashups. Below you’ll find some more stats from the directory, including the entire list of collaboration APIs.
In terms of the technical details, REST and XML lead the way. There are 34 collaboration REST APIs and 6 collaboration SOAP APIs. Our directory lists 25 collaboration XML APIs and 25 collaboration JSON APIs.
The most common tags within collaboration are 17 project management collaboration APIs, 14 enterprise collaboration APIs and 10 social collaboration APIs.
On the mashup side, we list 8 collaboration mashups. We named Koderank as mashup of the day in August.
For reference, here is a list of all 42 collaboration APIs.
ActiveCollab API: Collaboration & Project Management System
Basecamp API: Project collaboration service
Blackboard Collaborate API: Online learning platform
Box.net API: Online file storage
Calameo API: Document publication and sharing service
CentralDesktop API: Online collaboration software
Cozimo API: Online Image and Video Collaboration
Creately API: Visual collaboration service
crocodoc API: Online document collaboration service
Crowdin API: Collaborative translation service
CX API: Cloud storage and sharing service
Dabbleboard API: Online whiteboard for drawing and team collaboration
Devot:ee Upload API: ExpressionEngine community website
Dropstr API: Cloud management service
Easy Projects API: Web-based project management tool
Flowdock API: Team inbox with chat
Goplan API: Online project management
Grove.io API: Hosted IRC chat service
iNetWord API: Online document editor
Intralinks API: Enterprise communications and management service
Leverage Software API: Online community and collaboration service
Lighthouse API: Online project management and issue tracking
Lighthouse- dupe API: Online project management and issue tracking
LiquidPlanner API: Project management software
MangoApps API: Real-time collaboration platform
Papirus API: Task management, collaboration, and messaging service
Planbox API: Project management service
Producteev API: Multi-task collaboration tool
pyMantis API: Collaborative life-science data management service
SAP StreamWork Integration API: On demand collaborative meeting tool
Socialcast API: Aggregated collaboration service
TaskRabbit API: Task and errand contract labor service
Teamlab API: Project management and collaboration software
Thounds API: Music creation and sharing service
Trello API: Project management platform
Twiddla API: Real-time online meeting and collaboration tool
VetMedStat API: Veterinary remote advice service
WBP Systems Torch API: Project management software
Wrike API: Project management service
YouSendIt API: File storage/sharing service
Zoho Projects API: Project management and collaboration service
Zwiggo API: Social networking for groups
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Related ProgrammableWeb Resources Box.net API Profile, 77 mashups